

  • 学生 who are preregistered for an upcoming term or session are expected to confirm/finalize their registration, which includes paying or making arrangements to pay tuition, fees, 以及其他费用,在规定的期限前付清.
  • Other students are expected to confirm/finalize at the time they register for classes. Even students whose bill is $0 or less must confirm/finalize their registration with the cashier at one of the three 学校的位置, or by mail, or by fax, or through WeevilNet在规定的截止日期前.
  • 学生 who do not confirm/finalize by the stated deadline will be dropped from all 他们的课程.

收费一览表 Nelnet教程 价格计算器


  • 你需要在2024年春季之前完成 2024年1月23日.

付款计划载于 2023年11月14日.

网上报名截止日期(5日) 网上报名截止日期(20日) 所需首付款 付款次数 付款月数 付款日期
1月25日 2月1 25% 4 Feb-May 5号或20号
1月25日 2月8日 25% 3 Feb-April 5号或20号
1月25日 2月8日 50% 3 Feb-April 5号或20号

NOTE: All down  payments 和 enrollment fees are processed immediately!


Directions for logging into WeevilNet, Finalize your bill, Pay your bill, 和 Sign 可直接存款.

  • 步骤1: On the University of Arkansas at 蒙蒂塞洛 Web page, scroll down until you see INFROMATION 赞成:应该出现在校园的形象下面.

  • 步骤2: 在INFORMATION FOR链接栏上,点击student链接. 

  • 步骤3: You ar now on the 学生 page with an image of some students sitting on couches. Scroll down to middle of page untill you see a section titled IT资源.

  • 步骤4: 点击Kelly Green WeevilNet按钮.

  • 步骤5: This will take you to the WeevilNet web page where you should see an image of a brick 大楼和标题“欢迎来到WeevilNet”.向下滚动页面直到你看到 一个墨绿色的按钮,上面写着学生登录. 单击“学生登录”按钮.

  • 步骤6: You should now see a login screen that reads ORACLE PeopleSoft. 登录您的WeevilNet 用户名和密码.
    • 登录信息如下:
    • 用户名/用户ID必须全大写
    • 不包括 @owilhe.com
    • 推荐使用“Google Chrome”或“Firefox”浏览器
    • For better compatibility, have only 1 internet tab/window open at a time
    • 不知道你的用户名和密码是什么? 点击这个按钮查找你的学生 登录凭证


  • 第七步: Once logged in, you will see your Student Information portal. 向下滚动页面 直到看到“财务”部分.

  • 第八步: 您应该看到两个链接 “bc365游戏最终帐单”“点击此处付款”.
    • 完成选择 “bc365游戏最终帐单” 如果你的余额为零.
    • 要设置NelNet付款计划,请选择 “点击此处付款” 付你的账单. 这将把你送到NelNet网站. 请看教程视频 如果你有问题. 
    • 要设置直接存款,请选择 “点击此处付款”.  这将把你送到NelNet网站 where you can manage your refunds on the 右侧瓷砖. 如果你有问题,请观看教程视频. 


  • 是的! 学生可在任何澳大收银处办理结业手续.




McGehee, ar71654

  • 是的! 登录微虫网,选择“点击此处付款”


  • 是的! 登录WeevilNet,选择“bc365游戏 final Bill”


  • 付款方式包括:
    • 银行自动付款(ACH)
    • 信用卡/借记卡
      • (我们会收取额外的服务费.)

  • 参加费用包括:
    • 2美元的注册费,立即全额支付
    • 每个协议25美元不可退还的注册费
    • $30 nonrefundable returned payment fee if a payment is returned

NOTE: All down  payments 和 enrollement fees are processed immediately!

  • Please do not assume your balance will automatically be adjusted if financial aid 是被接收还是一个类被删除或添加.
  • You should review your agreement balance online or call the University of Arkansas 在蒙蒂塞洛收银处,电话870.460.1043确认更改.


  • 请确保浏览器的弹出窗口拦截器已关闭.
    (the site works best in Google Chrome, Edge, or Mozilla Firefox), then log-in to your WeevilNet account 和 choose the "Click to Pay Here" link option to pay your balance. 付款方式——现金、支票或信用卡/借记卡.

  • 关于允许弹出窗口的信息可以在这里找到:

如何在Mozilla Firefox中允许弹出窗口
如何在Microsoft Edge中允许弹出窗口

  • 首先,您必须登录您的WeevilNet帐户.
    • 日程安排:
      • Select "Student Center", then click "Other Academics" from the drop down menu, 和 选择“课程表”.
    • 在线查看帐单:
      • Scroll down to "Finances", click "Account Inquiry", 和 then click "Charges Due".


  • 如果你是在那个年龄的通勤学生 60, who takes more than 6 hours at the 蒙蒂塞洛 campus you will pay a declining balance 秋季和春季学期的费用为125美元.
  • This is to be used on campus at our cafeteria, on-campus restaurants, 和/or the bc365游戏 书店. Any student who withdraws from bc365游戏 prior the start of classes or up to 和 including three class days, will receive a 100% refund as long as no portion of 余额已经用完了.

  • 要在网上查阅1098T报表,你需要:
    • 姓和名
    • 社会安全号码(SSN)
    • 邮政编码.
  • On the "首页 page " scroll down to the middle 和 click "Tax Documents", type University of Arkansas at 蒙蒂塞洛 above the blue line in order to search. 选择你的学校, 然后输入以下内容:
    • 姓和名
    • 社会安全号码(SSN)
    • 邮政编码.

  • 有关1098T声明或协助的问题:
    • 请致电866-428-1098致电ECSI
    • 访问ECSI网站:


  • 确保你在WeevilNet上的信息是最新的.
  • Be sure to make changes well before refunds are processed, etc.
  • 成绩单费用为10美元,余额为0美元. 亲自付款或在线订购!
  • Ask us for more information on our payment plans for fall 和 spring semesters

  • 需要在Weevilnet上更新您的信息?
    • 在读学生适用
      • Current students may update billing 和 diploma address in WeevilNet.
    • 新生须知:
      • 请填写 注册处



Any student who officially withdraws from the University of Arkansas at 蒙蒂塞洛 during a fall or spring semester is entitled to a refund as 如下:


  • 不超过三天,100%.
  • 从第四节课到第十节课50%
  • 第十一节课当天及之后不退款

Any student who officially withdraws from the University of Arkansas at 蒙蒂塞洛 在夏季学期中,有资格获得以下退款:


  • 两至四周的学期:
    • 在开课前100%
    • 课程开始后,恕不退款
  • 五或六周的学期:
    • 不超过两天上课日100%
    • (从第三节课到第五节课50%
    • 第六次上课日及之后,恕不退款
  • 七周半至九周的学期:
    • 在开课前100%
    • 不超过7个工作日50%
    • 第八节课当日及之后,恕不退款
  • 十周或十二周:
    • 在开课前100%
    • 不超过10个上课日50%
    • 第十一节课当天及之后不退款 Dropping Courses/Summer Term

Any student who drops one or more courses 和 continues to be enrolled at the University during a fall or spring semester shall be entitled to individual course refunds as 如下:


  • 不超过三天,100%
  • 第四节课结束后,恕不退款

Any student who drops one or more courses 和 continues to be enrolled at the University during a five- or six-week summer term is entitled to individual course refunds as 如下:


  • 不超过两天上课日100%
  • 第三节课当天及之后不退款

Any student who officially withdraws from the University of Arkansas at 蒙蒂塞洛 during a fall or a spring semester will be entitled to a refund as 如下:


  • 3个上课日以内:100%
  • 从第四节课到第十节课:50%
  • 第十一节课当天及之后:不退款

Any student who officially withdraws from the University of Arkansas at 蒙蒂塞洛 during a summer session will be entitled to a refund as 如下:


  • 两至四周的疗程:
    • 开课前:100%
    • 课程开始后恕不退款
  • 五到六周的课程:
    • 开课前及第一堂课当天:100%
    • 五班以内及含五班日:50%
    • 第六次上课日及以后:恕不退款
  • 七周半至九周的疗程:
    • 开课前:100%
    • 7个上课日以内:50%
    • 第八节课当天及之后:不予退款
  • 十周或十二周的疗程:
    • 开课前:100%
    • 10个上课日以内:50%
    • 第十一节课当天及之后:不退款

bc365游戏 refund policy is subject to change if required by federal regulation or the University Of Arkansas Board Of Trustees. 上诉的 the refund policy must be submitted in writing to the bc365游戏 Executive Council.

The housing/food service contract will be for the period of an academic year (Fall & Spring semesters) unless the contract is only for the Spring semester or Summer I或II项.

In the event of withdrawal 和 termination of the contract after occupancy, room 和 applicable meal charges may be prorated according to the following.

  • If withdrawal 和/or checkout are prior to the 60th day after the hall opening in the fall or spring semester, the contractee will be responsible for 50% of their current 学期住宿费和伙食费.  此外,如果取款和/或结帐提前 to the 60th day after the hall opening in the fall semester the contractee will be 评估了400美元的取消费.
  • If withdrawal 和/or checkout are on or after the 60th day after the hall opening in the fall or spring semester, the contractee will be responsible for room 和 board 剩余期限的费用.  此外,如果取款和/或结帐 are on or after the 60th day after the hall opening in the fall semester, the contractee will be 评估了400美元的取消费 和 no refunds or adjustments tocharges will 被制成.

Please see the most up to date housing contract on the bc365游戏 Residence Life webpage 欲知详情.









